Lamoureux Project 366

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March 12, 2012

Today is Monday...of SPRING BREAK!! Jeff got to go golfing with his dad (which he never gets to do) and I was on baby and packing duty. We are leaving this afternoon to spend a few days with my parents and some family we have coming into town. So today was pretty much spent in anticipation of leaving and seeing my family. We did finally leave to go to my parent's house, but it was quite a bit later than usual. This picture I took of Hazel during tummy time (while Ian was napping) and sent it to my mom saying "Hazel cannot wait to see Gigi and meet her great aunt and great uncle!" When we got to my parents' house my mom showed me a picture of myself around Hazel's age and we looked exactly the same! I am so excited that Hazel looks like me!!

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