Lamoureux Project 366

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February 12, 2012

Today was a fun day! We decided to take the trip down to Waco to visit my parents and show off Hazel to all the people at Dad's church. We left early this morning, but shortly had to turn around because we forgot Ian's shoes! Oops! We got to church right as Dad was starting his sermon, but Hazel wanted nothing to do with it. We showed Hazel off after church, ate spaghetti for lunch and hung out at the house. Ian kept Gigi and Grandpa very busy! In the afternoon it started snowing!! It started out VERY slight, but really started coming down. So Dad, Victoria, Ian and I went out and played in it. It wasn't cold enough to stick, but everyone had lots of fun! This is a picture of Ian happily playing in the snow...he had a blast! We had to leave early because the weather was getting bad, and we didn't want to get stuck driving in it back home. We stopped by the grocery store for dinner when we got back and it had REALLY started snowing! It was beautiful! By the time we got home the back yard was covered! The weather man said ti wouldn't last because it was supposed to get warmer...too bad! Jeff was hoping for a day off!

2 Responses so far.

  1. Hazel may actually be the first person to leave one of my sermons screaming. Most people just go to sleep

  2. Katie says: should feel honored...I think

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