Lamoureux Project 366

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January 29, 2012

Today was a pretty busy day! It started with church, which we actually got to almost on time! Score one for Mommy and Daddy! Then Jeff insisted on mowing the "yard" (it's mainly weeds and dead grass) He says it makes him feel all grown up to mow the lawn. He also said that today's picture had better be of him mowing. Oh boy! I edited this picture to make sure you could actually see the grass/green weeds in the yard. Yup, its that sad! Ian and Hazel took a nap while Jeff mowed the yard. Then we went to a chili potluck at church and ate dinner with church friends! It was a lot of fun, but we were all super tired when we got home! I was actually really not feeling good and was running a fever so... early to bed!

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