Lamoureux Project 366

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April 3, 2012

Today was a little rough during the day. I think Hazel is going through a growth spurt and Ian is hitting is 2 year old phase. (Not the Terrible Two's just a new phase) Ian and I spent some time playing in his room. We were singing and playing musical instruments together. It was a lot of fun! Hazel sat in there with us and enjoyed it too! This picture was taken right before Ian's nap time. He wanted Hazel to take a nap in his crib with him. I thought that was so cute...Hazel didn't like the idea! After Jeff got home we worked on putting up all the decorations in Ian's room. His room looked so bare without anything on the walls and I'm having a friend over tomorrow so I figured it was a great excuse to get Ian's room done. We put the letters up on his wall, two decorative shelves, his comforter and a stuffed animal net. His room looks great and Ian is very proud of it! I am really glad he likes it!

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