Today is the day that Hazel got baptized! Such a special day in our family! Today was crazy busy, but it turned out to be a good day! Jeff's mom, dad and sister along with Jeff's Aunt Toma and her husband Darrell met us at our church to celebrate this baptism with us. My parents and Victoria spent the night with us (so we already knew they were coming) Frank explained what baptism represents and why we baptize babies. Then he and my dad both baptized Hazel together. That was a very awesome moment. I know how much it means to my dad to assist in baptizing his own grandchildren. Baptism is such an awesome thing. An outward and visible sign of an inward grace. Baptism is about what God has done for us, which we do not deserve. We baptize Hazel and recognize the grace that is already present in her cool! After the service we took a few pictures and then went out to eat as a family. We went out to the new Applebee's in Saginaw. We had a fun time. After the meal, which was really long (as always) because we were talking and talking, my parents, sister and our family went out to the park and took some family pictures. It was really hot for a March day, but it really was beautiful. My parents then helped us put up more pictures on our wall AND finally we got the huge mirror on the wall in the hall. I think it looks great, but it needs to be cleaned! Such a wonderful day with family!
Today started early...even though we overslept! We stayed the night with my parents' so that we could support them as they ran the Baylor Bearathon half marathon. For those of you non-runners that is 13.1 miles! Yup, my parent's are super! I made signs for both my mom and dad for Ian to hold up as they ran by! This picture is of Ian holding up the sign I made for my dad. I thought he would enjoy the humor in it. There is kind of an inside joke about this sign, but its kinda hard to explain. Victoria says she hates the "pity clap" that people give the slow runners and the comment "just finish" usually follows. It is really funny when my mom and Victoria imitate those people! It was fun to see my parents run and motivates me to get back into shape too! After the race we gathered up everything and everyone and headed back to Fort Worth. My family came up with us because of Hazel's baptism tomorrow. Jeff grilled steaks and my mom, sister and I hung some of the pictures and decor on the bare walls in our house...finally!
Today was "get ready for the crazy weekend" day! I spent most of the day washing clothes, organizing things and packing bags for our short trip to my parent's house this evening. Jeff got off early today so we could get to Waco in time. That was nice! I wish he got off at that time EVERY DAY! We are headed down this evening to get Titan rabies shots at the school because they were discounted drastically. We got a 3 year rabies shot for Titan for $30! Also, tomorrow morning my mom and dad are running the Bearathon, the Baylor half-marathon, so we are going to support them as they run. Then we are going to head back and get ready for Hazel's baptism on Sunday...whew! We have a busy weekend ahead of us. In preparation for this weekend...especially Hazel's baptism, I sent the boys to get their hair cut! This was Ian's first hair cut, but he did so good! This is what the picture is. Ian was pretty still and very cautious. The lady was very friendly and did a great job. They even saves a little of his hair and gave us a little certificate that says he got his first hair cut! I thought that was so cute! Jeff also got his hair cut...thank GOD! He chopped all the rats nest off and he looks very handsome! (Not that he didn't before, but its MUCH better!) After the hair cuts we headed down to my parents' house.
Today was play date #2! Today I got together with my prenatal yoga class friends and all their babies! We were supposed to picnic at the park , but has been rainy so everything was so wet and muddy that we just ate at the house. This was the first play date that I brought Ian to. I thought he did very well until the end when he was overdue for a nap and was getting restless (and was getting into EVERYTHING imaginable!) Hazel wasn't in a very good mood today. I think she was feeling a little overwhelmed AND I think she was having a marathon feeding day. All of that combined made for a very unhappy baby...and a very busy mommy...and a very jealous big brother! This picture was taken after one of the mommies already had to leave to go run errands and pick up her daughter. Hazel was screaming so we held off on taking the picture, but she had to leave (sad day!) We had a new addition to the play date group! Harrison (next to Hazel) is five weeks old! He is so cute and is already smiling and really responding to people (smart little boy!) It it always great to see these mommies because we share many parenting styles, habits and what-not! These babies are very blessed with great mommies and daddies...seriously!
Today was pretty normal for us at home during the day. Ian has had trouble napping still and gets really tired and grumpy...poor kid! (and poor mommy!) Hazel has been going through a growth spurt too, but considering that and Ian's grumpiness it wasn't TOO bad of a day. This picture is of Ian at nap time. He is very particular about his stuffed animals at nap time. He insists that they be tucked in next to him...all four of them. None can be missing! It's amazing how much he says without even talking! This evening I got to teach the junior high at youth again! (I took a break when Hazel was born) I LOVE that group of youth! They are amazing, asking questions, being genuine and listening. I didn't realize how much I missed them until I got back to teaching them!
Today was recovery day from yesterday's extra long play date. Naps were missed and schedules were thrown out the window. So today was more like Monday with all the catching up and adjusting we were doing! This is a picture of Ian right before nap time. He is brushing his teeth after lunch. He gets really mad when we have to help him brush his teeth...not that he really has that many to brush anyways. We usually brush them pretty well and then let him have at it. He looks so much like a "big boy" when he tries to brush his teeth all by himself! Such a cute little guy! (if I don't say so myself!)
Today was a busy play-date day! I wish I would have gotten pictures of Ian with is new friends, but I just didn't think about it! Today we went over to some friends' house and played almost all day! Ian and their little girl just didn't know what to do! It was pretty funny, but finally near the end they started playing well together. Hazel on the other hand, pretty much slept on Brittney the entire time! I wish she would nap on me like that! We finally had to leave when Ian started whining about EVERYTHING and Hazel got so frantic and hungry (and of course would not take a bottle). She's a mommy-snob, what can I say! (I love it!) This picture is at their (beautiful) house where Ian's favorite toy to play with was the stroller (we won't tell Dad!) He was just driving the empty stroller around until Elmo was placed inside (brilliant!) Ian loves Elmo! All in all, it was a very fun day! It was very tiring for all three of us though! Hopefully play-dates will be more regularly in our schedule so Ian gets to play with other kids his age!
Today was another busy, busy Sunday! We went to church (of course!) and our pastor finished up a four week series on marriage. Jeff and I have really enjoyed this series and learned a lot about marriage during the past few weeks! We then went out to eat with friends at a new Chinese buffet place. It was REALLY good and the buffet food was kept fresh and warm. They were the point of almost too helpful with our kids. We then headed home and cleaned the house for neighborhood group. We met last week, but we knew next weekend would be too busy to meet with Dana's baby shower and Hazel's baptism, it would be impossible! The house had not gotten too messy so it did not take very long to clean and Jeff was able to mow the yard. He gets very persistent about mowing! I think mowing the yard makes him feel like a real grownup! Neighborhood group was fun! We talked and sang worship music. It was pretty chill! Today Miss Hazel is 3 months old AND Ian is 22 months old! My babies are growing way too fast! This picture is one of Hazel's 3 month pictures! I thought it was super cute because she has a great big grin on her face!
Ugh! Today was a weird day! Today was St. Patrick's Day, but we didn't do anything special. I did decide that I was going to get my hair cut. I got it cut in the afternoon and the young (yes....young) lady who cut my hair did a....well, she did a horrible job! I asked for a trim, layers and framing around my face. All she did was cut about an inch off! Then she put POUNDS and POUNDS of products in my hair that made is smell and feel AWFUL! I knew it was going to be bad in about the middle of the cut so I tried to get out of there as fast as I could with as little damage as possible! I walked out the door and put my hair up, and as soon as I got home I got in the shower and washed all those nasty products out of my hair! Even Jeff (who is way too kind) said my hair looked horrible! So I called and told them that I got the worst hair cut of my life there! The owner asked if I wanted to come back and at first I was like NO! Why would I, but I decided to go back and get them to fix it. How often do I get to go somewhere by myself and do something for myself. The lady that cut my hair this time was the same one that cut it last summer! I loved her, but couldn't find her card! I was so glad it was her! She fixed my hair and now it actually looks like it got cut! When I got home Jeff was starting to cook dinner. He knew I had been really upset about my hair and was trying to make me feel better! How sweet! This picture was taken during scripture reading time before bed. I was holding Hazel and Ian wanted to sit with me too. It was a VERY sweet moment being able to rock both my babies at the same time! Sorry you can't really tell my hair is cut because I didn't really fix it. I was trying to let it recover from all the products in it earlier today!
After a day of laziness we felt renewed and refreshed today! Since it was Friday of spring break we decided to get out of the house and do a few things. This picture is of Ian enjoying his lunch at Chick-Fil-A. We all had a lot of fun running errands as a family. We went to Target and picked up a few things and then I went into Petsmart by myself (the babies were getting tired) and picked up some stuff for Titan. I felt very accomplished today because we actually got out of the house and did a few things. Everywhere was insanely busy though! It was crazy everywhere we went!
Today was our first full day back after visiting my parents and seeing my aunt and uncle. Honestly I have no idea what we did today because we were so tired from the traveling and not being at home. I thought this picture accurately describes how we all felt today! I think Titan was even tired after our little trip! We were all definitely happy to be home!
Today was the second day (or third if you count Monday evening) at my parent's house. We really should have left last night. I didn't sleep a wink and Hazel didn't get to sleep until 2AM! On the upside of that, I finished reading the first Hunger Games book....and am still deciding whether I liked it or not. We didn't do much today but hang out, talk and (of course) eat. We finally left after dinner to go home. Which was several hours AFTER we wanted to leave, but that's the story of our lives with two little ones. This picture is of Hazel cuddled up with my uncle Greg or "Uncle Poppop" (or however you spell it) This is just the cutest picture! Ian and Hazel had a great time with my aunt and uncle...well so did Jeff and I of course! It was really great to see them!
Last night was our first night away from home with Hazel. It went as well as expected. She had some trouble getting to sleep, but finally got to sleep and slept in quite a bit! Today we went hiking with the family at a place in Waco...not sure where exactly. It was a lot of fun even though Hazel and Ian got really tired! They did really well though! We then went out to dinner and I had the worst margarita I've had in a LONG time! This picture is of Hazel this morning with my glasses on. I thought it was really cute! I wanted a picture of us hiking, but my dad was the one that took all those pictures...which means we will NEVER see them! haha!
Today is Monday...of SPRING BREAK!! Jeff got to go golfing with his dad (which he never gets to do) and I was on baby and packing duty. We are leaving this afternoon to spend a few days with my parents and some family we have coming into town. So today was pretty much spent in anticipation of leaving and seeing my family. We did finally leave to go to my parent's house, but it was quite a bit later than usual. This picture I took of Hazel during tummy time (while Ian was napping) and sent it to my mom saying "Hazel cannot wait to see Gigi and meet her great aunt and great uncle!" When we got to my parents' house my mom showed me a picture of myself around Hazel's age and we looked exactly the same! I am so excited that Hazel looks like me!!
Today was easy to sum up: Breakfast, Church, Lunch, Nap, Cleaning, Neighborhood Group. Today was Neighborhood group day AND we had to provide food so it was a busy day! We had spaghetti because our pregnant friend was craving it (and whose to deny a prego her cravings....I was there...twice..I remember!) We then had music night where Paul, Jr and later, Jeff played guitar and we sang worship songs together. It was fun. I was a little bummed that I couldn't sing because I had no voice (it was a victim of the wonderful weather) This picture is of Jeff and Jr playing guitar at the very end of the night. Yes, Jeff straightened his hair. He was so excited about doing that and he just loves the way he looks when it is straight. He's a funny guy! I think it looks good when it's straight, but maybe not as much as Jeff likes it!
Today was a fun day for me. Jeff let me have a little bit of a break and go shopping for a while. Now, I'm not talking shopping for myself, just generic grocery shopping. I actually enjoy it when I get to go by myself. I went to Sprouts and picked up lots of fresh produce (its so cheap and GREAT quality) and some much needed vitamins. I also went to Hobby Lobby for baby shower invitations for a friend, and secretly stopped by Half Price Books to look around. I bought a book for Jeff and I to read together. It's called The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne. After I finally got home, I cooked us a WONDERFUL chicken stir fry with a wild rice bedding...OH GOODNESS it was good! After dinner we had a family jam session! Jeff got out his Les Paul and played for me and the kids. Hazel absolutely LOVED it! Every time Jeff stopped playing she would cry and cry, but when he started back up she would stop and just stare at him. It was sooo cute! This picture is of Jeff playing to both babies! Hazel is just mesmerized by it and Ian want's to play like Daddy. (we need to get him a guitar!)
YAY! Not only is today Friday (my favorite day, if you didn't know that already!) its the beginning of SPRING BREAK!! That means Jeff is off for a whole week! I'm not going to lie, most of today was spent waiting for 4:30 to roll around so Jeff would be coming home! Jeff made spaghetti for dinner tonight and as you can tell from the picture, Ian had a great time eating it! I wish I could say this picture is staged, but nope, the explosion of spaghetti is 100% authentic! The important thing is that Ian had a great time at dinner...and Jeff's head didn't explode from the mess (he's a little OCD) I have a feeling we will be finding spaghetti noodles EVERYWHERE for a while! At least we didn't put sauce on it!
Today, to be completely honest was the BEST day of the year so far! (And I do not see it being topped any time soon!) Yes, you are seeing this picture correctly...this is Ian and Uncle Nick!! My brother Nicholas just graduated from Army Sniper School and was flying back from El Paso (yuck!) to Hawaii (woot!) where he is stationed. There was a bunch of bad weather that could not have been timed any better and he got stuck at DFW airport overnight!! So he calls us up and said he'd rather hang out with us than go bar hopping with the guys (he must not spend a lot of time with us if he chose us over that! Haha!) We were actually on our way back from getting ice cream (it was one of THOSE days) and he calls Jeff and told us he was stuck at the airport and if we wanted to see him! We did everything BUT do an immediate illegal U-Turn in the middle of the road. I think we made it to the airport in less than 30 minutes after he rush hour traffic! He hung out with us for a while. We ate steaks and Ian wore Nick out more than he already was! When we were on the way to the airport we told Ian we were going to see Uncle Nick and Ian would go "Ooooo!" and it was obvious he remembered him! That was really cool. As soon as he saw Nick, he got really excited! This picture is of Ian and Nick playing Legos in Ian's room. This was less than 5 minutes after we got back. Needless to say, Ian was just as excited as we were to see Nick! He stayed for a while and then Jeff took him back to the airport later that night so he could catch his flight EARLY the next morning. It was sooooo cool to see my brother, especially so unexpectedly! We had a great time talking and catching up. He told some great stories about sniper school. Just to brag a little, my brother is only a PFC (Private First Class) and was one of the few at sniper school. Not only that he was one of only 22 that passed and became a Army Sniper or as I like to call him...a Government Trained Assassin! How cool!
Today was a very, very weird day. I woke up at around 8, before both babies so I got quite a relaxing start to the day. Nice, calm, breakfast and even a shower! Hazel didn't wake up until 11:30!! I was going to get together with the yoga mommies, but it was "baby sleep-in day" so that didn't exactly happen. By the time Hazel woke up and was fed, Ian was still not awake!! I made myself a great lunch and Hazel and I had great Mommy-daughter time. I could tell she loved having my undivided attention. I let Ian sleep because he has been having trouble getting to sleep at nap time and bedtime. I've always been told "never wake a sleeping baby" and that's a rule I live by! I did check on him obsessively every 20 minutes or so just to make sure he was ok. I finally had to wake him up at 3:35PM!! I had a meeting with our pastor at 5:00 and knew it would take a while to get around. I could not even believe he slept in soooo much and that I had to break my rule and wake him up finally. Ian was REALLY hungry when he woke up....I mean teenage boy hungry! We finally headed to the church where Jeff was supposed to meet us (so he could watch the babies while I met with Frank) and I happen to pull out behind him and follow him all the way to church! (that was kinda cool) The meeting with our pastor went very well and I came away very encouraged and confident about our church and the Godly way our pastor is leading us. After the meeting we had First Wednesday Worship. This picture was taken at the meal before worship. I was so excited that Hazel fell asleep on me because she never does. (that's Jeff's super power!)
Today was better than Monday (what Tuesdays AREN'T?!) The weather is starting to do some crazy things and both Jeff and I woke up with stuffy noses and congestion. Yay, spring allergy season has begun. I'm so excited! Ian woke up pretty late this morning and he was pretty grumpy. I think that whole playing instead of napping thing is catching up with him. I fed him breakfast and he was so exhausted I put him down for a nap around12:30. He fell asleep almost right away and stayed asleep until Jeff got home! He woke up VERY hungry (and grumpy because he was hungry) So he was very happy to help us prepare dinner. In this picture he is stirring the bean soup that we were cooking. Later after the kids went to bed Jeff and I played a mean game of Scrabble...and by mean I mean that I won so badly it was almost mean! Haha!!
Today was a rough Monday. Hazel was pretty fussy all day and that makes for a hard day for Mom. Ian has been trouble napping as well so that just gives me something else to worry about. They both did eventually fall asleep in the late afternoon and give me a little bit of a break...which was very nice of them. In fact, they were both still asleep when Jeff got home. So Jeff mowed the lawn (no pictures this time) and I actually cooked dinner! I cooked stuffed bell peppers and they were GOOD! They both woke up around the same time (which happened to be dinner time) So dinner was not too smooth. This picture is of Jeff trying to soothe Hazel during dinner. The outfit she is in is one that we got at the sale yesterday. It was so cute I just HAD to see what it would look like on her!
Today was an unplanned busy day. Surprisingly I was not sore from all the activities at GLC the day before. We went to church and sat on the back row in the middle...which is the unofficial "baby section" Since it was the first Sunday of the month we took communion. This is my favorite because we always do this as a family and Ian takes communion with us. It made me think how excited I am for the time when Hazel can take communion too! After church we ate lunch and headed to the Just Between Friends consignment sale to see what kind of stuff they had for the kiddos. This picture is the loot that we got while we were there. There was a TON of girl clothes and like NO clothes in Ian's size (sad day!) But we found a little for each kid and didn't even spend that much. That shopping trip took it out of all of us and we crashed when we got home!
Today I spent at Glen Lake Camp with the other youth leaders from our church! It was so fun and comforting to be back at Glen Lake, my home away from home. No matter how long it has been since I have made the trek it will always have a special place in my heart: It's where I grew my faith, it's where I accepted my call into full time ministry, it's where I have helped many youth grow in their faith and it is where I married the love of my life and we became a family! We did a bunch of group building activities outside...pretty much all day. It was a beautiful day with perfect weather. When the clouds covered the sun you needed a light jacket, but when the sun came out it was perfect without it! At the end of the day I led the group on a hike to the cross. It was a wonderful, adventurous hike and we all felt very accomplished when we finally did make it up. We ended the day taking communion together as a group and reflecting on the day. This picture is of me sitting on the cross like I used to do as a little kid. I really need to find those pictures. I couldn't stay to eat dinner with the rest of the crew because Hazel had refused to take a bottle for Jeff all day long and she needed her Mommy! It was nice to spend a day at GLC, but it was also nice to come home and be needed! Jeff has a lot more sympathy for me now that he knows what I do all day! I love him very much and thanked him for letting me have this day with the other youth leader!
Yay! Today is Friday! This picture was actually taken at 2:30AM-ish so it could technically be Thursday's picture, but it was really taken on today! Jeff let me have some time to myself (how sweet) I noticed no noises coming from our bedroom. So I went in to check on them, and this is what I found! It is so sweet. I love the look of pure security and trust on her face as she lays next to Daddy! I totally teared up! Anyways...Today nothing really eventful took place. It was pretty much a day to plan and prep for tomorrow. Tomorrow all the adult youth leaders are headed to Glen Lake Camp for a mini-retreat and group building session. I am excited, but very nervous about how its going to work out with Hazel needing to eat every two hours or so! Jeff was originally going to go with us and take the kiddos but he decided it would be best to stay home and try to feed Hazel bottles....Uh...she does NOT take bottles!
Today was a fun day! It was so beautiful outside we had to play outside...even Hazel enjoyed her time outside. Ian got to play with his new car that was given to him by a wonderful family at church! (Thanks so much!!) Ian was soooo excited about the car. He loved getting in and out of the car. That was his favorite thing to it was mine! While we were outside I got to talk to our next door neighbor for a while! That was fun! I got to show off Miss Hazel (and of course Ian!) It is great to know we have good, Christian neighbors. This picture is of Ian having a blast driving his new car. I'm pretty sure he would play all day with it!
Happy Leap Day! I kinda wish this day was less hard, but we made it through! Today was the day of the Epic Toddler Fit! I made myself and Ian pancakes for breakfast. They were super yummy! We each ate two BIG, FLUFFY pancakes. After two I was full and Ian wanted more. He has been overeating so I told him that was enough...and IT began! at approximately 10:15 Ian started a fit that would NEVER END! It woke Hazel up....several times, and gave me a headache that I felt the effects of for the rest of the day! Finally at around 11 he calmed down. This picture is of Ian learning what time out is after throwing and hitting. He understood he had to stay on the couch but cried and SCREAMED for 45 min! Oh the JOYS of motherhood! I put him down for a nap WAY early because it was obvious he was tired. So Hazel and I got a little time for girl time, but some mommy down time was not in the schedule...dern! After Jeff got home I headed to youth. The service was completely amazing! It's amazing what God can do when the youth (and adults) recognize, and accept His presence and freely worship him, unrestrained. It was beautiful! Youth also involved mudpies and cake, but we won't talk about that. Afterwards we went to Cici's with a small group and had a good time trying weird pizza. I tried out a Hamburger pizza that tasted exactly like a hamburger and NOTHING like a was so weird! Good, but weird! I headed home because I felt so bad leaving Jeff with the kids for so long. Especially knowing that Hazel does not take a bottle and is very upset that I am not home! Jeff did force enough milk down her to make her happy. He really is the best husband! He let me have some downtime and do what I want to do. That's great!
Today was a typical day at the house with the kids. Ian actually behaved quite well today. I really think it was because I was able to give him more attention. Hazel was not too high maintenance today so I was able to give Ian more attention and I think that helped! Ian has not been taking good naps and I think that is contributing to his misbehavior, but he had a good nap today! This picture I took while Ian was napping. This was Hazel's tummy time today! I absolutely LOVE this picture and everything about it: the look on her face, the position of her head and hands, the drool in a perfect icicle, and those stunning eyes! I had to edit and make the picture as beautiful as the baby in it! She had so much fun talking to me as I was taking her picture!
Today was pretty refreshing for a Monday, believe it or not! I spent most of the day with JR running church errands. He called me during breakfast and wanted to know if we would join him in going to the conference office. I was so excited to show Hazel off to MaDora! We stopped by, right at lunch time, and had to come back. We went out to eat at Chipotle and I was so proud of the kids. They were well behaved! We then went back to the conference office so JR could drop off his VERY late CTCYM group registration form. MaDora was very exited to actually see and meet Hazel! I felt bad that Hazel wasn't too happy because she was hungry, but was excited to show her off! When we finally got back home it was nap time! When Jeff got home we ate dinner and watched the Daytona 500. Ian loved all the cars (my Uncle Kenny would be proud) It had been postponed because of weather the day before. Then there was a horrible wreck that caused an explosion and huge delay and then I fell asleep! I was so disappointed because I love watching them wreck! This picture was taken this evening. Hazel was just talking and smiling at Jeff. They were so deep in conversation I don't know if they even noticed I took the picture!
Today is Sunday! My mom spent the night with us because of our date we had the night before. my mom and I got up early enough to go to the store and get breakfast food for everyone before the rest of the house woke up. We went to church...and actually got there on time! Frank has started a series on marriage that I am excited about! After church we visited, ate lunch at Burger King and finished cleaning the house. Well, Mom "occupied" the kids while we cleaned...poor mom! ;) Mom left in the late afternoon and I think Jeff and I were more sad to see her go than Ian! (and Ian LOVES his Gigi!) Later that night we had neighborhood group at our house. We ate, visited and talked about the roles of the husband and wife in marriage. It was a great conversation. This picture was taken after everyone left. Jeff pulled out his guitar and played it for me and the kids. As you can tell, Ian loved it and was very excited! Hazel seemed to enjoy the music. It was sweet watching him play for them! I think I am going to start a music night where we play guitars and sing as a family! I think that would be fun!
Oh my goodness! Today was such a fun day! Jeff cooked bacon and eggs for late breakfast/lunch and my mom came down for the weekend!! We didn't actually DO much, like get out of the house, but Ian kept us all busy with his playing and what-not. I felt bad that we didn't do much, but I could tell my mom was just enjoying the grand-kids! My mom was so sweet and wonderful and let us go on a date! Yes, that's right....Jeff and I got to go on a date! This was WAAAAAAY overdue and needed! We have been at each other's throats and its because we have had no "us" time! That was quite an adventure! I only really feel comfortable leaving Hazel with my mom because she is soo young still. I left her a bottle, but Hazel refuses it (It's mommy or nothing!) Anyways, we had our hearts set on On the Boarder. So we get there and it is insanely crowded and the wait is like 40 min for two people. We get frustrated and leave. We travel all around the area trying to find somewhere to eat and realize that EVERYWHERE is busier than On the Boarder. So we head back hoping our name is still on the list and that we can get a table. We get back and we are the next ones on the list! Score one for Jeff and Katie!! We happily enjoy our meal (and I enthusiastically enjoyed my first margarita in over a year!) take our time with our dessert and head home feeling refreshed and less stressed. We weren't even gone 3 hours, but it was one of the best dates Jeff and I have ever been on. When we got home it was straight back to reality....Hazel needed Mommy, but its ok! We love our kids! This picture was of us about to leave on our date. We never get pictures of us together, so we had to take advantage of the fact that my mom was there!
Today is Friday! YAY! Today Victoria had scholarship interviews at Texas Wesleyan! So excited for her! So Victoria and Mom were supposed to meet us for lunch before hand, but Dad came with them and was a little slower. So we had a normal (with Ian misbehaving) day at home and them met them at Wesleyan after Jeff got off work and Victoria got done with her stuff. She got an additional $4000 scholarship on top her Presidential scholarship! I am so proud! Afterwards we went out to Ol' South Pancake House and ate dinner and chatted it up for a while. This is were Ian learned to take pictures with Victoria's camera! Here he is sitting on a platform above the circular booth we were sitting in. He was taking pictures of the whole restaurant! I'm pretty sure some people in there thought there was a rave going on with all the flashing lights from the camera. He had a blast and we had a great time watching him!