Who doesn't love a Saturday at home...cleaning...all...day...long! I DON'T! Today was cleaning day because the house has been a wreck since Hazel was born, well actually since my mom left. She was able to control the mess, but Jeff and I just were not able to keep the house clean while keeping up with Ian and Hazel. It did feel great to finally look at a nice, clean house instead of couches covered in clothes, sinks full of dishes and trash cans overflowing! In celebration of our cleaning success, Jeff grilled some ribs and zucchini! It was wonderful! This picture has a story behind it. Lately while I'm in the kitchen and leave the pantry door open, Ian runs in and shuts the door behind him. He locks himself in the pantry, with no light and no way to get out. It is very funny and he doesn't get scared, but instead giggles when we finally let him out. He did that this evening while dinner was cooking. I left him in there long enough to go get the camera and set up for the picture and he still came out smiling! Crazy kid!