Today was a busy play-date day! I wish I would have gotten pictures of Ian with is new friends, but I just didn't think about it! Today we went over to some friends' house and played almost all day! Ian and their little girl just didn't know what to do! It was pretty funny, but finally near the end they started playing well together. Hazel on the other hand, pretty much slept on Brittney the entire time! I wish she would nap on me like that! We finally had to leave when Ian started whining about EVERYTHING and Hazel got so frantic and hungry (and of course would not take a bottle). She's a mommy-snob, what can I say! (I love it!) This picture is at their (beautiful) house where Ian's favorite toy to play with was the stroller (we won't tell Dad!) He was just driving the empty stroller around until Elmo was placed inside (brilliant!) Ian loves Elmo! All in all, it was a very fun day! It was very tiring for all three of us though! Hopefully play-dates will be more regularly in our schedule so Ian gets to play with other kids his age!