This week has been the week of sick so far! Ian woke up with a rash yesterday morning on his feet. mouth and chest. It seemed to be an allergic reaction to something...possibly the chocolate chip cookie he had at neighborhood group on Sunday (which had milk AND chocolate in it...bad mommy!) Today Hazel woke up with a rash all over her! She doesn't seem to be feverish and seems to be feeling ok. She isn't eating as much though. I've been googling things like crazy trying to figure out what is going on in this house! I think its viral...which means it just has to run its course and if we go to the doctor, he wont be able to do anything. Oh well! This picture is of Ian taking a BUBBLE bath in our tub! He was so excited! He would touch the bubbles and then wipe the bubbles off his hands...over and over! It was so funny!