Today I felt like throwing the stereotype of Monday being bad out the window! We decided to run some errands and do a little shopping. My best, and really only, purchase of the day was some new running shoes. I went to Ross hoping to find some running clothes. They didn't really have anything in that department so I went and looked at shoes. They never have anything in my size, but sitting all by themselves, in my favorite color, my favorite brand of running shoes! I was so excited and they were only $30!! Jeff and I are planning to doing the Zoo Run 5k near the middle of April. So we are going to start running...well actually we started today! After Jeff got home from work we headed to the park with the kids to run. We took turns running because of the kids (our stroller is NOT runner friendly) I ran about a mile. It was the first time I had run in a REALLY long before being pregnant with Hazel and possibly longer! I took the pace a little too fast so I was feeling it at the end, but I was still excited to be able to run again! This is a picture of me stretching/showing off my shoes!