I was still on the excitement of yesterday's craziness so I decided to keep it going. I actually went to the grocery store with both babies today! This is the first outing with both where I actually got us all out of the car. It was a successful trip and I was so proud of myself! I was feeling like Supermom until I was in the produce section and looked up to see a mom shopping with 4 kids!! She had a baby in the carrier, a young toddler and older toddler and a little boy who was probably around 7!! Just God trying to keep me humble I guess! I decided to try a BBQ chicken in the crock pot. I literally just put two large chicken breasts, BBQ sauce and a little water in the crock pot. It was ridiculously easy and its BBQ so it HAS to be good! It was amazingly yummy and we will definitely do it again. This picture is Ian going to town on his dinner. It was so messy we decided it was a "no shirt" meal! I love this picture, but I hopes he soon realize that messy eating isn't always going to be cute! He loved it all though...well except the steamed broccoli. He chocked on a piece and didn't really want to try again. (That was ok with me)