Lamoureux Project 366

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June 12, 2012

Here is Ian and Hazel both watching the TV together. I don't let them watch very much (Hazel isn't really interested anyways) but we watch Sesame Street together

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June 11, 2012

Not sure why I was holding both babies, but it doesn't happen very often. They are heavy! I love this picture though!

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June 10, 2012

POTTY TRAINING SUPPLIES!! Ian is ready to be potty trained, but Mommy and Daddy are NOT!

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June 9, 2012

Milestone time! This was Hazel's first ride in a shopping cart without her carrier! She took her maiden voyage at Target. She is such a big girl!

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June 8, 2012

This was such an adorable moment. Hazel was upset so I sat Mickey up in front of her and she was so excited. In this picture she was having a legitimate conversation with Mickey! It was soooo cute!

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June 7, 2012

Thanks to Ian taking such a wonderful nap, Hazel and I got to play around and take some pictures! This skirt is just too darn cute on her...I couldn't resist!

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June 6, 2012

This is why we had our kids so close together! My heart melts when they play and interact together. Here Ian is showing Hazel how to play with Legos!

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June 5, 2012

Sometimes you just have to spoil them with donuts....and not tell Dad!

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June 4, 2012

Family night at Sonic! We should probably buy stock in Sonic because we eat there so often. This is a picture of Ian and Jeff chowing down on Wacky Packs!

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June 3, 2012

So I decided to chop off all my hair. Here it is wavy style. I love it!

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June 2, 2012

The wagon that Ian is riding in is the one that Me, Nicholas and Victoria used to use when we were little. My mom got new wheels and Jeff put them on. I don't even know how many laps Jeff and Ian made around the church. Even though he may not look like it in this picture, Ian LOVED the wagon!

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June 1, 2012

Today my little sister graduated from high school! There were only like 40-something people in her class so the ceremony was only like 45 minutes long (my favorite graduation EVER!) We are so proud of her. She is going to Texas Wesleyan in the fall (yay!) This is a picture of Victoria and Ian (Ian would not leave her side the whole evening, it was so cute!)

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May 31, 2012

Even though this is not a good quality picture, I had to share it. This is Ian all cuddled up with his blanket that he got for his birthday. My best friend from middle/high school made this for him and sent it to him for his birthday! He absolutely loves this blanket! Thanks Jillian!

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May 30, 2012

This picture is for all those who think my dog is crazy all the time. Let's just say he LOVES his Hazel (yes, HIS Hazel) He lets her climb all over him, pull on him and everything! It is so cute! Titan just sits there and occasionally licks her in the face (then she giggles!)

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May 29, 2012

I just thought this was completely adorable! Hazel fell asleep in her bouncer with her feet up in the air. She seemed so comfortable I didn't mess with her, but I had to take a picture!

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May 28, 2012

Today we went to the Fort Worth Zoo with my family! We used our tickets that we got from the Zoo run. Elephants are Ian's favorite animal....for now. This is a picture of Ian and Aunt Victoria with the elephant. Note that the elephant seems to be in time-out!

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May 27, 2012

Milestone day! Today Hazel started sitting up on her own! It was very exciting! Here she is sitting up on Daddy's lap. She is still a little unstable, but seems very excited to be able to sit the fun begins!

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May 26, 2012

Today was just too good for only one picture! Today we celebrated our friends' son's first birthday! The first picture is from the dino dig at the party. The second picture is a 5 generation picture with Hazel, Jeff, Jimmy, Wanda and Alma (or Daddy, Grandpa, Great-Nana, and Great-Great-Grandma)